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Vendor Information

Vendor Information:


Vendor Lists (click on the image to access the list(s) or search query)



Adding Approved Vendors

The steps below must be followed before an approved vendor can be added to the BISD accounting system:

          1.  Verify that the vendor is an approved vendor from any one of the lists provided
               above.  Please keep in mind that an approved vendor used last year may not be an approved
               vendor this year.

          2.  The vendor must complete and submit a vendor packet 
to the Finance Department.              


 A vendor will not be added until a completed vendor packet has been received by the Finance Dept. and only if a campus or dept. has requested services.


UNAPPROVED VENDORS:  The only unapproved vendors that can be added are vendors used for hotels, conferences, and trainings.  The same steps above must be followed. ALL OTHER UNAPPROVED VENDORS WILL NOT BE ADDED .  Vendors interested in becoming an approved vendor for BISD must register and be awarded a contract through the ESC, Region 2 Goodbuy Purchasing program.   Click here for more information.  For Sole Source vendors please view the information below. 

 Sole Source Information Update

Sole Source Affadavit Memo and Form

Vendors claiming sole source will need to submit an application through the ESC, Region 2 Goodbuy Purchasing Program.  A copy of their memo and form can be accessed using the link above.  If the vendor is approved as sole source through the Goodbuy Purchasing Program and verified by BISD a vendor packet will need to be submitted before the vendor can be added to our system.  Orders cannot be placed until this process is completed and a purchase order is generated.

Vendors Providing a Service Form
Activity Accounts Only

These forms are very important!  The Vendors Providing a Service form must be filled out completely and turned in at the end of each month to Ida Rendon, Secretary of Finance. Below lists examples to help you decide which vendors you need to include on the form.

     Examples of vendors providing a service:
          ♦ Shirts monogrammed
          ♦ Engraved items (including pencils)
          ♦ Someone who provided a service that:
               • Entertained (including a DJ)
               • Gave a speech
               • Did repairs

     Examples of vendors not providing a service:
          ♦ HEB
          ♦ Wal-Mart
          ♦ Regular supplies without any monograms or engravings

          ♦ Employee reimbursements

You are also required to have the vendors providing a service complete a vendor packet and a copy must be submitted with your monthly report.  This is not required for each purchase, but once a year to keep our records up to date and ensure we have a correct address on file.


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